Wednesday, April 22, 2009

*Mumble Mumble Squeal*

Shut up Showme. It cannot possibly have been that bad. In fact, from whatever I've heard of it, it's actually pretty interesting. Can't wait to read it!

In other news, most road rage crimes are now being committed by a fearsome quartet - a purported Harem-owner, an emo kid with black eyeliner and pink clothes, another emo-punk kid with striped arm bands and funky eye glasses and a fourth unclassified small furry specie. They blame the heat and the government for their crimes, which include tripping people who are peacefully elbowing their way through the city streets, dousing potential Indian Idol contestants (who have wandering eyes) with water and holding up traffic by having concerts in the middle of Hazra, Rashbehari and Gariahat.

The police officers who tried to catch them dropped dead like flies on the way to the scene(s) of the crime.

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